(703) 491-4522
Our Firm's Business Services Division concentrates on "success" planning and all of its aspects. We understand our clients are in business to better their family's life and create wealth.
We know how hard business owners work, and it is our mission to partner with them to help achieve their goals and make sure their businesses work for them. Success is not merely making money but also keeping as much as possible while staying compliant with all of the laws which a company must follow. The success formula is simple, and Jack Jr. lets our clients in on the secret........."Make More and Spend Less." It sounds simple, but it is surprisingly difficult. The bottom line, PLANNING is a must.
Our services include areas which a business and business owners require to achieve goals. From the Start-Up Business which needs to determine the most advantageous form of entity to strategic tax planning for the seasoned client, we excel at providing services our clients need and demand.
3441 Commission Ct, Ste 101
Lake Ridge, Virginia 22192
All meetings are by appointment only
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Weekends & evenings by appointment